Part of the Freemie magic is in the unique Collection Cups. These cups are concealable as they can be worn under your clothing, enabling you to pump in public – fully clothed and hands-free.
We have our Standard Collection Cups which hold up to 230 mls of milk each, so if you are double pumping you can collect up to 460 mls in one session.
We also have our latest release of the SlimFit Collection Cups. These come in two sizes; SlimFit5 and SlimFit6. The SlimFit5 holds 5 ounces (148ml each side) and the SlimFit6 holds 6 ounces (177ml each side). The SlimFit Collection Cups allow for a lower profile option for those wanting an even more discreet look under their clothing. The SlimFit Collection Cups partner well with the Standard Collection Cups allowing you to alternate between big volume pumping sessions and the more discreet option for a more slimline outfit.
Made of polypropylene plastic, the collection cups are rigid and smooth. The flattened area on the front of the cup (when worn) means that the cup can be put down when you are finished pumping and milk will not spill out. It’s so easy to pour the milk from the collection cup straight into a pre-sterilised bottle or freezer bag for storage.
The cups do NOT contain any BPA, DEHP or latex. You can be assured that your breast milk will not come in to contact with any unsafe chemical components or additives when using the Freemie Collection Cups.
The sizing measurement of the cups goes by the internal measurement of the breast funnel that surrounds your nipple. All of the cups themselves are the same size and shape. So when choosing the right cup size to fit you, if you are unsure which is best then we recommend meeting with a healthcare professional or lactation consultant for an assessment. If your breasts change in shape or size, or you have asymmetric nipples, you can order an alternate set of funnels from our Parts & Accessories.
Freemie Collection Cups come with our Freemie pumps. If you already own a breast pump system that you like but want to experience the bliss of being able to wear concealed collection cups, you can purchase the cups separately. Check out our list of compatible pumps and if you see your brand there, then you can simply order the Freemie cups on their own.
Many Freemie users also recommend that a second set of cups is a lifesaver. You can keep one set of cups at your workplace and another at home, for example. This way you’ll never get caught short if you forget a clean set as you’re racing out the door.